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Doctors & Staff

Meet the experienced and friendly doctors and staff who make ClearSight Eye Care the leading provider of vision care products and services in Mentor, Willoughby Hills, and Parma.

Dr. Sayed Hasan

Dr Sayed Hasan has been practicing in the Mentor area since 1996, and just celebrated his 10 year anniversary of opening his first private practice in April of 2012. He then opened his second location in Parma in 2013 and the Willoughby Hills location in 2016. He has been blessed with 6 lovely daughters ranging from 25 to 5 years old. His beautiful wife Reema and some of his daughters can sometimes be found helping in the offices.

Dr. David Marshall

Dr. David Marshall has been part of our team for a number of years now. He works in both the Mentor and Willoughby Hills locations.

Our Team

Tanya Solomon, Trish Chesbrough, Sue Toth, Mandy Sheffey, Hannah Arman, and Jose Nieves have been in the optical field for over 80 years combined. They have a vast wealth of optical knowledge and look forward to helping you look and see better.  They take pride in providing exceptional customer service to everyone that enters our office.

Elizabeth Wilson, Emily French, Savannah Fairbanks, Christian Sheffey, and Angela Balzer handle appointment scheduling and insurance billing. They are excellent in determining what your insurance coverage is, and how best to save you money.